
Elyra: Building A Programming Language (Pt. 3)

Now that we have a basic tokenizer, the next step in the compilation process is parsing into the Abstract Syntax Tree! This is one of the harder areas of the compilation, especially if you’ve never written a parser before. I would strongly recommend reading about recursive descent parsing. Before we talk about…

Elyra: Building A Programming Language (Pt. 2)

In the last post, I described the basic idea for the programming language and ideas I had. This post will start actually writing some code. Mostly covering the Lexer/Tokenizer. However in order to begin the development process of making a programming language we have to discuss a few quick things about how…

Elyra: Building A Programming Language (Pt. 1)

Well — how should I go about it? It’s probably a question that people ask themselves, get stuck on, and give up. Not to mention the complexity of making a lexer, analyzing syntax and parsing into an AST, semantic analysis, code generation, linking or interpreting.

CrossCraft’s Indev Terrain Generator Part 2

Generating floating worlds is by contrast to 2D worlds incredibly different. We will still need to use heightmaps in some places, but the actual terrain body is made up of 3D perlin noise. If you’re familiar, usually you see perlin noise as a two dimensional image by which you create a heightmap.…

CrossCraft’s Indev Terrain Generator Part 1

CrossCraft Indev attempts to implement similar terrain generation to Minecraft Indev through the use of the original classic generator, modified to make the world more interesting. Minecraft Indev has several profiles which we attempt to replicate. There’s Original, Flat, Forest, Island, Floating, Paradise, and more. We implement Original, Flat, Forest, Island, and…

Perlin Worms

Perlin Worms In the world of procedural generation, noise functions are ubiquitous and almost omnipresent. Perlin worms are a solution for those looking for river and cave generation in many of these procedural worlds. Perlin worms are actually an incredibly simple method to add realistic and winding caves and rivers. Yet for…


This is the first ever post on my little blog here. I’m Iridescence, or Nathan Bourgeois, a small little YouTuber working on some projects relating to homebrew and the Sony PSP. My channel is growing well and I’m looking to continue to work and develop in the homebrew scene as a passion.…

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